
The interesting interfaces are defined in the temu-c/Bus/Can.h header. This header also define inline functions to help construct CAN frames.

typedef struct {
  uint8_t Data[8];
  uint32_t Flags;
  uint8_t Length;
  uint8_t Error;
} temu_CanFrame;

struct temu_CanDevIface {
  void (*connected)(void *Dev, temu_CanBusIfaceRef Bus);
  void (*disconnected)(void *Dev);
  void (*receive)(void *Dev, temu_CanFrame *Frame);

struct temu_CanBusIface {
  void (*connect)(void *Bus, temu_CanDevIfaceRef Dev);
  void (*send)(void *Bus, void *Sender, temu_CanFrame *Frame);
  void (*enableSendEvents)(void *Bus);
  void (*disableSendEvents)(void *Bus);
  void (*reportStats)(void *Bus);
  void (*setFilter)(void *Bus, temu_CanDevIfaceRef Dev, int FilterID,
                    uint32_t Mask, uint32_t Code);

The CAN frame is central to the transmission of CAN data. It is not a bit by bit representation of the CAN protocol, rather it is a simplified format that omit bits that are implicit and ensures that relevant bits such as RTR is fixed in location.

If a real CAN frame is needed, you need to transform the frame struct to the needed representation. Note that the struct is optimised for performance (e.g. Data is first and can be bitcopied as a uint64).

Device models are typically simple, they implement the connected, disconnected and receive functions. Of-course, if the device also need registers and MMIO handling, it tend to get more complex.

As can be seen, the device and bus interface support connect and disconnect events. The purpose of these are to support hot-plugging of CAN devices. As these connect and disconnect events are supported, the normal connect command should not be used when connecting a CAN device, rather the "can-connect" command is to be used.