Third Party Licenses

TEMU utilise several third party libraries, including open source software.

In general, only permissively licensed libraries are used. Copyleft (e.g. GPL) software is in general not used in TEMU.

An exception was made for TEMU 2.0 and TEMU 2.1. The GCC runtime libraries were bundled in the SLES11 build of those TEMU versions as SLES11 lacked native C++11 support. These libraries are licensed by the GPL, but covered by the runtime library exception. The libraries were bundled due to lack of native C++11 support on the system.

The source code of the GCC runtime can be obtained by downloading the gcc-4.8.4 source code from the GCC website:

Terma can also provide the sources at request.

TEMU 3 introduced the replxx-library in place of libedit.