Documentation Overview

This document is the software users manual. It gives a high level overview of the system. However, as TEMU is modular, this manual does not document everything. The details are described in different target, model and API manuals. In general, the target and model manuals document the properties and interfaces these systems implement. They are however not tutorials and those documents are not intended to help you get started.

Target Manuals

Target manuals describe the usage of the processor emulators. There is one target guide per supported architecture (currently this include only the SPARCv8). Note that a CPU core does not contain any I/O models.

Table 1. TEMU Target Manuals
Document Description

SPARCv8 Target Manual

Manual for all the SPARC CPU cores

Model Manuals

Each implemented I/O model has a manual describing the usage of the model, how to configure the model, and any known limitations of the model. The models include not only device models, but also bus models.

The following table lists some of the manuals.

Table 2. TEMU Model Manuals
Document Note

Modelling Guide

How to write device models

GPIO Bus Model Manual

Manual for the built in GPIO bus model

UART Model Manual

Manual for the built in UART bus model

AMBA Bus Model Manual

Manual for the built in AMBA bus model

MEC Device Model Manual

Manual for the ERC32 memory controller

LEON2 Device Model Manual

Manual for the LEON2 on-chip devices

GRLIB GpTimer Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual

GRLIB IrqMp Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual

GRLIB AhbCtrl Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual

GRLIB ApbCtrl Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual

GRLIB AhbUart Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual

GRLIB FtmCtrl Device Model Manual

GRLIB manual