
TEMU provides support for Ethernet bus based devices. To support the development of custom MAC controllers, TEMU provides three generic models.

The MDIOBus model implements MDIO routing. As multiple MDIO devices can be connected to the same bus, a bus model is needed.

A GenericPHY model is implemented to expose the MDIO interface to the MAC models.

The GenericPHY model can be attached to the EthernetLink model. EthernetLink is responsible for routing EthernetFrames between registered nodes. It has two routing lists. Firstly, a list of promiscuous nodes that will receive all messages. Secondly, a routing map for non-promiscuous nodes.

When the EthernetLink model receives a frame, it forwards the frame to all the promiscuous nodes. Then, it routes it to the destination MAC.

The EthernetLink assumes unique MACs, thus it will emit a warning in the case of a MAC address collision.