Integrating External Models

External models have been deprecated in TEMU 2.2. Use pseudo properties instead

Simulators often consist of models for different frameworks. The TEMU object system has direct support for interfacing with external models using the notion of an external class. With this notion, the user can provide a set of wrapper functions for pseudo-property access, and a set of interfaces to integrate external models with e.g. TEMU bus models. Create a struct or C++ class to simulate an external model and register this class with TEMU:

temu_Class *c = temu_registerExternalClass("myextclass");
temu_addInterface(c, ...);
temu_addPseudoProperty(c, ...);

Now new objects can then be added as follows:

temu_addObject("myextclass", "myobjectname", obj);

It should now be possible to use the connect function / command and to list the objects in the command line interface. Note that external objects are not saved in snapshots and they cannot be used as processors, machines, or memory spaces.