Installing TEMU

TEMU binaries are available for download at the {url-temu}::[TEMU website]. For the tutorial, it is assumed that you use a nightly build. Visit the website and click on the Downloads tab. You should then be able to download the TEMU nightly release.

There are two variants, one with asserts enabled, and one without asserts. The assert version will catch many errors at runtime and exit your program. This is especially useful during development. The other version is more high performant and is more suitable for deployment.

OS Package Type





RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)


SuSE Linux for Enterprises (SLES)






Installing the package is done as follows:


$ rpm -ivh temu-<vers>-generic-Linux-x86_64-<date>-<rev>.rpm


$ dpkg -i temu-<vers>-generic-Linux-x86_64-<date>-<rev>.deb

The default installation location will be /opt/temu/<vers>/.

To run TEMU, you need a valid license file. Before continuing with the tutorial, you should ensure that a license is installed. If not, evaluation license can be requested from the TEMU website.

Licenses are installed with the TEMU command line:

$ temu --install-license <license-file>